- Ernő Rubik may have invented the Rubik's cube, but Frank Morris invented Ernő Rubik.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008) - Frank Morris doesn't really solve a 7x7x7... he's just solving just a bandaged infinity*infinity*infinity.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't call anything a puzzle. To him, it's just a "not-yet-solved."
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris can do a 5x5 speed blindfold with just 5 seconds of inspection. If you look closely enough, he never has to look at the cube when he's solving it!
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't have to break in his cubes. They are broken in, or else. No cube has ever dared to oppose him.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris didn't have to fly to Greece to get his V-cubes. He just twisted the earth until he could walk there.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- No matter what crazy event you dream up, even 7x7 underwater BLD with one foot, Frank Morris has already done it.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris knows God's algorithm. The only reason he doesn't use it is because he likes the challenge of using normal methods.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris has his own method, Frank's algorithm, which is even more efficient than God's algorithm.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris was the real inventor of the V-cubes, but he was too modest to want credit for it.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve the F-perm.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- In fact, he can execute all his PLL algs sub-0. He would try a PLL time attack, but the universe might not survive.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris has already solved world hunger, but he doesn't want to submit his times until he can do it in competition.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris comes in first place even in competitions he doesn't go to. What we call first place is just first runner-up.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- If you have 5 cubes and Frank Morris has 5 cubes, then Frank Morris has more cubes than you.
-edd5190 (26/5/2008)
- When Frank Morris judges you and signs his real initials on your timecard, you are given the WR by default.
-Ethan Rosen (26/5/2008)
- It is a little known fact that the pyramids in Egypt are actually fully functional pyraminxes built for Frank Morris.
-Ethan Rosen (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris never solves the Magic, on account of when he does he breaks the sound barrier.
-Tristan Wright (26/5/2008)
- It took two months for Erno Rubik to solve the cube for the first time. That's how long it took for Frank Morris to come over and teach him.
-qqwref (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris is the only real speedcuber. Everyone else is just a cuber.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't use a parity fix. Parity needs a Frank Morris fix. The only possible fix is to solve yourself and hope he's having a good day. Frank Morris is always having a good day.
-Eidolon (26/5/2008)
- Rounds are an illusion. Frank Morris does all his solves in a never-ending round.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- For Frank Morris, no cube is a big cube. They're all small and trivial.
-Lucas Garron (26/5/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't have 10 fingers: he has 10 dextrous sub-hands.
-Lucas Garron (27/5/2008)
- Frank Morris can flip one edges on a 3x3.
- Frank Morris's extreme lookahead makes Yish look like a noob.
-qqwref (27/5/2008)
- Chuck Norris was originally named Frank Morris. However, after Frank was concieved, he decided that HE wanted the name Frank Morris. Scared out of his mind, Frank (or Chuck, as we now know him), eagerly gave up the hallowed name.
-Josh Rotholz (27/5/2008)
- Most people use a multi-step method for 3x3x3. Frank Morris uses just one step: F3L.
-Lucas Garron (27/5/2008)
- If you say his name three times while kicking your heels, solving a 20x20 BLD, while underwater in a tidal wave, Frank will appear
-fusion (27/5/2008)
- When Frank needs to find new algs, he doesn't use ACube. He uses THECube.
-Lucas Garron (27/5/2008)
- Other people joke about rearranging the stickers on a cube faster than solving it. Frank Morris has actually done this.
-Lucas Garron (27/5/2008)
- Are you R'? Frank Morris is.
-Lucas Garron (27/5/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a 20x20 faster than you can solve a 1x1.
-Quate (28/5/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve the cube using a series of 1-cycles
- Frank Morris once solved a 20x20 using only outer layers.
-JTJogoBonito (1/6/2008)
- Frank Morris Does can do a Q perm.
-Sam (1/6/2008)
- Frank Morris only uses T perms to solve Rubik's Cubes.
-Sam (1/6/2008)
- Theres a story to how Frank acquired the V-cubes. Thank Frank no one knows.
-Sam (1/6/2008)
- Whenever God gets a PLL skip, he exclaims "Oh my Frank!"
-Lucas Garron (1/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve an n x n cube, for all n's rational, irrational, and complex.
-William Chen (1/6/2008)
- A cubist's greatest fear is a non-orientable wormhole. A non-orientable wormhole's greatest fear is Frank Morris.
-William Chen (2/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can perform a time attack of all 43252003274489856000 scrambles. He can Stackmat it.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- If you enter manually "sub-Frank" as a time into CCT or JNet, your computer might not survive.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve his 5x5x5 by putting 6 corner pieces on a side and then getting into cube shape.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- The "Tower of Babel" puzzle is a tribute to Frank Morris. Frank twisted the real tower of Babel to scramble the world's languages.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a magic without folding.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- The BIPM wanted to define the meter by the speed at which Frank turns his cubes, instead of the less reliable speed of light. Frank declined.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- Whenever Frank Morris needs to sand something (say, for a mod), he gives his cube a U' flick and uses the Cubesmith diamond tiles on the top face as a dremel.
-Lucas Garron (3/6/2008)
- The product of Frank Morris's best solve and your best solve is negative.
-William Chen (4/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a 20x20x20 faster than you blink
-Matthew Dioso (4/6/2008)
- Frank Morris's tears can solve any puzzle. Too bad he doesn't cry.
-Siraj Ali (5/6/2008)
- Frank Morris solves the Master Magic by giving it a dirty look
-snowcabbage (5/6/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't need a V-cube to get the 7x7, any cube he touches becomes one.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't do fingertricks, he simply apply the God's Alg.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a cube using less moves than cube explorer.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can cube anything. If it's not a cube, he will make it one.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve 2 cubes with one hand.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a computer big cube faster than Michael Gottlieb.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do the super flip in one move instead of 20..
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do 100000000 tps.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can BLD a 200*200*200 cube in 3 seconds, it took him 4 seconds to put on the blindfold
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Chuck Norris is Frank's puppet, everytime Frank solves a cube, Chuck Norris does a roundhouse kick, but Chuck Norris is too slow and behind schedule.
-fanwuq (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can form a 12-megapixel 6-color image by aligning the stickers on one side of a 3x3x3.
-Lucas Garron (7/6/2008)
- Frank Morris Can solve a computer 20x20x20 cube with chopsticks, without a keyboard, and no mouse.
-Derrick Eide (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do slice moves on a Megaminx.
-Jason Baum (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a 7x7 with his nose faster than Michel Gondry.
-Makhieval (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris won't try MultiBLD until he gets every cube in the world... wait that still wouldn't be enough.
-Hoe Tze Han (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris is more addicted to the cube than Lucas Garron.
-fanwuq (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris has solved a potato
-Bryan Logan (8/6/2008)
- When Frank Morris pops, it's not because of turning inaccuracy. It's because his cubes tremble in fear of him.
-Jason Baum (8/6/2008)
- It's impossible to get Frank Morris's pb solves on video: he solves and turns off the camera before the light reaches it.
-fanwuq (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can speedfold a crane in under 10 seconds.
-fanwuq (22 seconds) (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris solves parity by giving the cube a mean look.
-Jai Gambhir (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do ZB-cross.
-Lucas Garron (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris holds every NR
-Dene (8/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve 2 cubes with one stone
- If Frank Morris goes to play soccer and he kicks the ball, the ball becomes a gigaminx.
-fanwuq (9/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a 2x2 starting from the Cross
-David Calvo (9/6/2008)
- Frank Morris told Niccoló Paganini how to move his fingers fast
-Stefan Huber (10/6/2008)
- Frank Morris does not use M2 for BLD edges. He actually uses M10000000000000000.
-fanwuq (10/6/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't solve cubes, when the cubes see him coming, they solve themselves.
-Patrick Jameson (10/6/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't use 3-cycle for 3x3x3 BLD, he uses 20-cycle with a T-perm.
-Kevin J. (10/6/2008)
- Frank Lee Morris (September 1, 1926 – c. June 11, 1962 or later) was an American criminal who escaped from Alcatraz and was never seen again.
-Kevin J. (10/6/2008)
- Frank Morris's chest hair is faster at 3x3 than Nakaji.
-Jai Gambhir (10/6/2008)
- Frank Morris holds the WR for 3H.
- If light dares to travel faster than the speed of Frank Morris's fingers, the universe would collapse.
-fanwuq (11/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do seven turn triggers using only his thumb.
-Kenneth Gustavsson. (11/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can use his cubes as weapons. If he pops, anyone in a 10 mile radius dies.
-fanwuq (11/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve the S-perm faster than getting PLL skip
- Frank Morris can solve a corner cycle with 2 generator
-Harris Chan (13/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can impress girls by cubing.
-Stefan Pochmann (14/6/2008)
- Frank's car is eco-friendly. . . it's an 11x11 twist and go.
-M. Millard (14/6/2008)
- Frank's car is eco-friendly. . . it's an 11x11 twist and go.
-M. Millard (14/6/2008)
- There is no such thing as continental drift. Frank Morris simply placed Earth in its solved state.
-Lars Nielsson (15/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do OLL Parity on 2x2x2
-clark kent (15/6/2008)
- Frank Morris' cubes don't pop from fast turns, they melt.
-Ty H. (15/6/2008)
- Frank Morris' cube was originally white, but he burned the cube from turning so fast.
-Hadley Sheffield (16/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve the 7x7x7 OF (One foot)
- Frank Morris has two speeds... walk and solve.
- Frank Morris can emulate a 5x5x5 on a 2x2x2.
-Hadley Sheffield. (22/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve the 7x7x7 OF BLD!
- Frank Morris can solve Ryan Heise's cube simulator OF.
- If frank Morris took of his "gloves' and solved a 7x7 Earth would collapse.
-Seamus (24/6/2008)
- Some people worship God, God worships Frank Morris
- Frank Morris doesn't solve any cubes he fixes the mistakes
-cubeman34 (27/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do a PLL time attack before you can get a PLL skip.
-Hadley Sheffield (27/6/2008)
- Last time I picked up my 5x5, Frank Morris showed up and waved his hand, my times immediately dropped 3 minutes
-Kyle Barry (29/6/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't need lube. The sweat from his fingers works better than any silicone.
-Hadley Sheffield (29/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a square-1 in the 4th dimension.
-Wuqiong Fan (30/6/2008)
- Frank Morris has solved global warming; he just doesn't want anybody reconstructing his solve.
-Timothy Sun (30/6/2008)
- Frank Morris can do orientation parity on the Square-1
-Shelley (1/7/2008)
- God uses Frank Morris's algorithm
-dz (1/7/2008)
- Frank Morris was born holding a 5x5. His children will be born holding 7x7s.
-dy (1/7/2008)
- Frank Morris once scrambled a 1x1x1 cube and handed it to a civilian. That cube has yet to be solved.
-dx (1/7/2008)
- Frank Morris has never actually done BLD. He just cubes in his sleep.
-Hadley Sheffield (4/7/2008)
- Frank Morris bleeds red. And orange. And blue and green and yellow and white.
-Jeremy Fleischman (6/7/2008)
- Some people work for OLL skips, Frank Morris works for entire cube skips.
-SK (6/7/2008)
- Frank Morris once broke in a Rubik's 5x5. He then slept with the cube's wife and sold the cube's children into slavery.
- Frank Morris's anagram is; "Ran From Risk". This can't be true. Therefore ALL anagrams can't be true.
-Daniel Saha (9/7/2008)
- Frank morris can solve a puzzle... without even scrambling it
-Danny (9/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve Yu Nakajima
-Hadley Sheffield (11/7/2008)
- Frank Morris just look's at a 100x100x100 cube, and it solves itself.
- It may look like Frank Morris takes several minutes to solve a 7x7, as he just politely goes slow enough for us mere mortals to keep track
- as the 2x2 WR was being set, Frank Morris did a 7x7 BLD OH solve without looking at the scramble. Twice.
-giraffemonkey (14/7/2008)
- Most people measure speed in turns/second. Frank Morris measures in solves/second.
-giraffemonkey (14/7/2008)
- The fastest high-speed camera in existence was used to time Frank Morris. The camera conceded defeat.
-giraffemonkey (14/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can make PLL parity on a 1x1x1
-giraffemonkey (14/7/2008)
- Frank Morris once did a U' flick, and it hit the bottom of a horse's head. The first giraffe was born.
-Mark (15/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can do team BLD by himself.
- When Frank Morris pops a 6x6, that's just a sonicboom.
-Eric (17/7/2008)
- Frank Morris only knows one algorithm: the "Frank Morris Algorithm"
-Eric (17/7/2008)
- Frank Morris's brain is shaped like a cube.
-Eric (17/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can actually morph into any shape he wants, his true form remains unknown.
-Dene Beardsley (17/7/2008)
- Frank morris can solve 2 hands with just one cube
-Derrick Eide (17/7/2008)
- Some sell their soul to Satan. Satan sold his to Frank Morris.
-giraffemonkey (18/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can cube a golf ball.
-giraffemonkey (18/7/2008)
- It's only by Frank Morris' generosity that our most complicated puzzles are actually solvable.
-Dene (19/7/2008)
- The Big Bang was Frank Morris solving the universe.
-Jeremy L. (20/7/2008)
- Day and night are caused by Frank Morris practicing U turns on the Earth.
-Jeremy L. (20/7/2008)
- A long time ago people thought the Earth was the center of the universe. We now know Frank Morris is.
-Jeremy L. (20/7/2008)
- On Frank Morris' list of achievements, BLD solving a 7x7 with only his pinkie from across the room, comes right after creating the universe.
-Jeremy L. (20/7/2008)
- Frank Morris has a V-cube 12.
-giraffemonkey (22/7/2008)
- In the time it takes you to read this Frank Morris can solve every V-cube in the world..............................................................................................TWICE!
-Jeremy L. (22/7/2008)
- Frank could beat every cubing record in the world but that wouldn't be challenging enough for him.
-Jeremy L. (22/7/2008)
- Geico saved 15% by switching to Frank Morris
-Anthony McKnight (24/7/2008)
- Frank Morris's first words were, "R2 B2 U2 L U2 R' U2 R U2 F2 R F2 L' B2 R2"
- Eric (28/7/2008)
- The Greeks aren't polytheistic; they only believe in one God: Frank Morris
-Eric (28/7/2008)
- Frank Morris has a tree in his backyard that grows v-cubes.
-Eric (28/7/2008)
- Frank Morris once had a pop where the peices flew several metres away. He immediately coughed out a replacement with sufficient force to click it into place.
-giraffemonkey (29/7/2008)
- Frank Morris can do PLL first, then OLL. Yet he doesn't need the F2L.
-MistArts (5/8/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't need to solve the cube. The cube is too afraid and just solves itself.
-MistArts (5/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can do full ZB... intuitively.
-Anthony Searle (7/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a Rubik's cube using the E permutation faster than you can solve a 1x1x1
-Chris (7/8/2008)
- frank morris nos that gods algorithm is pointless and severely ineficient because it would have to run through every combination possible on the rubiks cube. that means 43252003274489856000 moves.
-james (8/8/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't believe in parity
-Sarah Strong (9/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can scramble a 1x1x1
-Sarah Strong (9/8/2008)
- There is no such thing as an impossible puzzle, they are just ones that Frank Morris hasn't tried solving yet
-Sarah Strong (10/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can rotate only one corner on a 2x2x2
-Sarah Strong (10/8/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't learn algorithms, he just stared at cubes until the cube does what he wants it to do
-Sarah Strong (10/8/2008)
- If you write "Frank Morris" as every answer on a SAT, you will score more than perfect
-Sarah Strong (10/8/2008)
- Frank Morris asked for an Edison Cube from a store in Japan, and got one
-Sarah Strong (10/8/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't need a 15 second inspection, a 15 second inspection needs him!
- Frank Morris can OH BLD a gigaminx using M2
-Sarah Strong (11/8/2008)
- Frank Morris isn't judged in competition, because judging implies the person could do something incorrect. He merely has a scribe for his solves.
-Bryan Logan (13/8/2008)
- Some people pair up 6 edges at a time when solving 4x4’s, Frank Morris pairs up 6 4x4’s and solve all of them using one fingertrick.
-fanwuq (15/8/2008)
- If Frank Morris tries to roll dices, they automatically change color on every face and become Rubik's cubes.
-fanwuq (15/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can finish a solve so well that the judge gives him a -2 penalty.
-qqwref (17/8/2008)
- When Frank Morris solves, he doesn't have to look around to find pieces. They come to him.
-qqwref (17/8/2008)
- The CIA created the parity in the 80's in an attempt to make Frank Morris' solves recordable on highspeed cameras. They failed
-Chris (20/8/2008)
- Frank Morris has 20 digits (fingers and toes), and can thus solve 20 cubes simultaneously
-giraffemonkey (22/8/2008)
- Frank Morris eats scrambled cubes for breakfast and craps them out solved.
-Waffle (30/8/2008)
- Frank Morris V-Cube 7 once popped. There were no survivors.
-Robert d'Angelo (31/8/2008)
- Frank Morris can pop a 1x1, the only reason he refuses to is because he doesn't like pops in his solves.
-Waffles (3/9/2008)
- Frank Morris secretly owns a void examinx
-giraffemonkey (4/9/2008)
- There are no videos of Frank Morris solves, only simulations of possible solves if he went at human speed
-giraffemonkey (4/9/2008)
- R U R' U' resolves itself after 63 repetitions or 1 Frank Morris.
-William Chen (4/9/2008)
- Frank Morris can flip 4 corners with a Sune.
-qqwref (4/9/2008)
- The reason they're called wings is because Frank uses them to fly.
-Lucas Garron (4/9/2008)
- frak morris became prisoner az1441 at alcatraz
-kesharra etheridge (5/9/2008)
- Frank Morris needs a life and a girlfriend
-me (14/9/2008)
- Frank Morris does edge parity algs on the 2x2x2.
- Frank Morris has only truly had trouble cubing against one man: Chuck norris. He still holds the record by three minutes
-kajowwojak (22/9/2008)
- frank can do 4 cubes in 2 hands, and 2 cubes for each foot BLD!!!!
- All your cubes are belong to Frank Morris.
-Lucas Garron (25/9/2008)
- Frank was the the first person to ever use F******L
- If Frank Morris starts solving his cube after you finish, he finishes before you.
- Frank named his 7x7 Christy and married it
-Cameron Almasi (1/10/2008)
- When Frank solves a Rubik's world, the world is reunited.
-Ash (11/10/2008)
- Frank solves the 2x2 using F2L.
-Jeremy L. (12/10/2008)
- Frank solves the 2x2 using an edges first method.
-Jeremy L. (12/10/2008)
- Frank first solved the Rubiks Cube before Erno Rubik was born.
-Jeremy L. (12/10/2008)
- Frank Morris can flip 13 unoriented edges while you are reading this text.
-KwS Pall (14/10/2008)
- Frank Morris never uses Google, he just solves the internet.
-Jeremy L. (15/10/2008)
- Frank Morris stickers his cube by holding up a white cube to the rainbow.
-Jai (21/10/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't have to wait until Daylight Savings Time to do a negative time solve.
-qqwref (1/11/2008)
- Frank Morris would solve the crisis in the middle east, if only for the fact that his stackmat wont go below 0.01.
-escher (5/11/2008)
- At a competition, Frank Morris inspected a cube, then it was covered. There was confusion as he walked off, until a solved cube was revealed.
-giraffemonkey (5/11/2008)
- If Frank Morris stuffs up a solve, the time better slow down
-Fazrulz (6/11/2008)
- Frank Morris is so great that your cube jams up because your cube gets a wiff of som Frank scent!
-Sharpyman69 (6/11/2008)
- Frank Morris will tell you all the secrets of the universe if you hold him up to your ear, but then your head will explode from the knowledge. The only person who has ever survived this was Frank Morris himself.
- Frank Morris can solve a scrambled cube with only the F-perm. Most people can't even do it once.
-qqwref (6/11/2008)
- In America, you lose to Frank Morris. In Soviet Russia, Frank Morris beats you!
- The F perm was named after Frank Morris. That's why nobody does it.
- Frank Morris once solved a 7x7 so fast it collapsed into a black hole. Physicists are still struggling to understand how that happened.
- Many years ago, even before he started speedcubing, Frank Morris had a particularly special 3x3 session. He got the times 20.00, 16.53, 15.38, 14.52, 14.40, 13.22, 11.76, 11.48, 11.33, and 11.28 in a row. He kept going, every solve getting an equal or slightly faster time. Few people in the world have access to the details. None of them know why the session ends with 6.66, 6.66, 6.66...
-qqwrerf (6/11/2008)
- For multiBLD, Frank Morris can condense the information so much that he only needs to memorize 1 image for 20 cubes.
-Wuqiong Fan (10/11/2008)
- Frank Morris have a 6x6x6 what doesn't POP.
-JohnyM (11/11/2008)
- Frank Morris can get parity errors and fix them... on a 1x1x1
-Kazi Ahmed (13/11/2008)
- Frank Morris has over 9000 cubes!
-Vegeta (16/11/2008)
- Frank Morris solved every single puzzle on Gelatinbrain simulators in less than 1 minute, but he did it offline.
-Wuqiong Fan (19/11/2008)
- Frank Morris caused continental drift by solving a rubik's world OH.
- Frank Morris caused the big bang when his 7x7 popped.
- East Sheen cubes have red oposite pink because Frank Morris doesn't like orange
- When Frank Morris gets a lucky solve, it's usually a F3L skip
- Frank Morris invented the sexy moves.
- What do you get when you mix Frank Morris with Chuck Norris? A roundhouse cube to the face.
-Dene (26/11/2008)
- Frank Morris divides by zero better than Chuck Norris Does
- At comps the scramblers give Frank a solved cube because he'll get 0.00 anyway.
-Nicholas Chen (30/11/2008)
- ...and Frank Morris said: let there be light... and cubes!
- When Frank Morris solves a cube, he beats you, than he beats you.
- contrary to popular belief, frank morris does not live in a pillowed house
-immelol4 (8/12/2008)
- Continental drift is caused by Frank Morris Solving the World.
-somerandomkidmike (12/12/2008)
- And then Frank Morris said, "Go forth and muliply... you'll still never figure out Morris' Algorithm"
- Frank Morris can do a 2gen F perm.
-fanwuq (18/12/2008)
- Frank Morris doesn't just reduce cubes, he can also make your 3x3 into a V8.
-Wuqiong Fan (18/12/2008)
- Frank Morris Damn
-Nice (21/12/2008)
- Frank Morris claims he cannot sub- 1min the Sq1, but the sq1 he talks about isn't the normal one, it's 4D.
-Wuqiong Fan (22/12/2008)
- Frank Morris can solve a 20x20x20 cube faster than Chuck Norris doing a roundhouse kick
-julz0716 (26/12/2008)
- Frank Morris helped God develop the God's Algorithm,but let God take the credit,as he already had the "F3L skip" method.
-Manu K (29/12/2008)
- Frank Morris and God once decided to complete infinite cube solves in 1 eon, and guess what.. Frank Morris completed infinite BLD solves in a day,whilst God got stuck at infinity...
-Manu K (29/12/2008)
- It is said that Frank Morris once decided to create his own puzzle, he named it the "Universe",and once again let God take the credit.
-Manu K (29/12/2008)
- Every UFO sighting is actually just one of Frank Morris's cube doing a U2 turn!!
-Manu K (29/12/2008)
- Frank Morris solved the earth and life was made,but we make cubes to simulate what he did
-Jeff (8/1/2009)
- Chuck Norris can solve a Rubik's Cube by looking at it. Frank Morris doesn't need to.
- Most cube-addicts are actually slaves to the cube... - Frank Morris is a true master of his cube
-stew^2 (26/1/2009)
- Frank Morris can stay away from his cube for more than 10 hours
-stew^2 (26/1/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve any cube on hi-games. Without hand shifts.
-qqwref (28/1/2009)
- Frank Morris solved, at the world championship, all cubes (NxNxN) blindfolded and with chopsticks.. Twice..
-Stefan HR (31/1/2009)
- Frank Morris is the grand master at Fewest Moves.. His average of five is 1 move..
- Frank Morris' Stackmat timer has 30 decimal places and the leftmost 20 zeroes have screen-burn.
-Michael Erskine (4/2/2009)
- Frank Morris once devided by zero..... Thats what actualy happened to Nagasaki.
-shua (4/2/2009)
- 'United States of America' was called 'Separated States of America' until Frank solved it.
-István Kocza (4/2/2009)
- As Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says: During Frank's solves the more precisely the position of a cubie is determined, the less precisely the momentum of it is known in this instant, and vice versa.
-István Kocza (4/2/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve a rubiks cube without even looking at it, or touching it. In-fact, he can solve a rubik's cube without being in the same area as it.
-RK (5/2/2009)
- No mater how much bush messes up the world Frank morris will be able to solve it
-CHristian Nieves (6/2/2009)
- Frank Morris can use Fridrich, Petrus, Roux, ZB, corner-first, edge-first, K4, reduction, cage, M2, God's Algorithm and Frank's Algorithm to solve a 3x3, simultaneously
-giraffemonkey (7/2/2009)
- Frank Morris never solves less than 1 billion V-Cube 7's a day. If he solved less, the space-time continuum would collapse.
- Frank Morris' cubes are actually 10D cubes disguised, just to solve it humanly.
-Baian Liu (9/2/2009)
- Day and night are just Frank Morris using AUF on a Rubik's World.
-Wuqiong Fan (10/2/2009)
- Frank Morris is better than Santa Claus; he gives away cubes even when it's not Christmas.
-Wuqiong Fan (10/2/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve a cube just by talking to it... even through a telephone.
-Wuqiong Fan (10/2/2009)
- Frank Morris can do ELL on a 2x2
-James (21/2/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve a 20x20x20 with his elbow on Gabbasoft while picking his nose with his other hand and while jumping up and down.
-Howard Wong (23/2/2009)
- Frank Morris accidentally an entire V-Cube set.
- Frank Morris can solve BLD without examining the cube.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- The reason you can see the cube move when Frank Morris solves it is because he just looks at the cube and it solves itself in fear.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- Frank Morris once solved the cube when just one piece was flipped.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- Parity exists on the 3x3x3. Frank Morris can prove it.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- Parity exists on the 3x3x3. Frank Morris can prove it.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- Frank Morris has never PRed on the Rubik's Cube. This is because his first solve was 0 seconds.
-Rentlix (11/3/2009)
- Frank Morris and everyone else and their moms can prove to Rentlix that parity does in fact exist in the 3x3x3 cube. ;)
-Wuqiong Fan (17/3/2009)
- The negative-time competition is the only competition where anyone else's times get close to those of Frank Morris.
-iuga_panda (18/3/2009)
- Frank Morris is not obsessed with the cube. The cube is obsessed with Frank Morris.
-iuga_panda (18/3/2009)
- Frank Morris does not break in stiff cubes. The cubes are tense with fear when they see him and he just makes them relaxed.
-iuga_panda (18/3/2009)
- Frank Morris discovered the concept of the cube, designed a mechanism, built it, and solved it in exactly 0 seconds. He showed Erno a beginner's method.
- Frank Morris can twist the cube so fast that the cubies rotate around the entire cube and punch themselves in the back of the stickers.
-iuga_panda (18/3/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve the continents back into Pangaea.
- Frank Morris has memorized 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 algorithms for the cube.
-iuga_panda (19/3/2009)
- Frank Morris would sove a 1x1 but he is the only one who can mix it up
- When Frank Morris solves Yu Nakajima, therefore he solves Erik Akkersdijk
-Altair Silverhawke (10/4/2009)
- Frank Morris cannot DNF.
-Wuqiong Fan (12/4/2009)
- Edison may have invented the cube, but Frank Morris invented the light bulb.
-PLL? (12/4/2009)
- Why Frank Morris is not 1st in 6x6 avg? Because he likes Micha³ Halczuk ;)
-KwS Pall (16/4/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve a 7x7x7 while driving to work...literally
- The last time Frank Morris had even the slightest bit of trouble solving was when he attempted a BLD solve of a 5X5X5X5X5 without pre-inspection...he still finished in less than 1 second.
-Jeremy L. (19/4/2009)
- Frank is bored by and puzzle in only three dimentions.
-Jeremy L. (19/4/2009)
- Frank ownes a physical 3X3X3X3
-Jeremy L. (19/4/2009)
- Erik and Nakajima are actually androids created by Frank Morris to do his menial tasks
-ASNG (24/4/2009)
- Frank Morris made it out alive. I would know, I was there.
-John Anglin 03/5/2009 (3/5/2009)
- frank morris seems like a genius because his best friend is god and he stops time and frank morris does things and he looks lioke a genius
- Frank Morris likes hot dogs
-AlcatraZ escapee (13/5/2009)
- Frank Morris can see how each centre has to be solved, so he actually always solves normal cubes as supercubes
-giraffemonkey (13/5/2009)
- no nothing yet. just through family and friends
-secret person (13/5/2009)
- If you try to calculate Frank Morris's average on your calculator, you get an error, and then it self-destructs.
-Daniel Que (15/5/2009)
- When solves his cubes the world is peacefull
-shehwaz shamsuddin (15/5/2009)
- he likes to eat muffins and cheese
-yayme (18/5/2009)
- when Frank Morris heard of the petaminx, he was BLD-solving the examinx
-('') (19/5/2009)
- All Frank Mooris facts are false. In fact, ALL facts are false. Unless they're written by Frank Mooris.
-Nukoca (22/5/2009)
- Frank Morris and switch and corner with an edge.
-Richard (31/5/2009)
- Frank Morris can switch a corner with an edge.
-Richard (31/5/2009)
- If you have 5 cubes, and Frank Morris has 5 cubes, Frank Morris has more cubes than you.
-Nukoca (14/6/2009)
- I saw Frank Morris's first magic solve. I didn't even think a magic could move like that. I also think the resulting light boom made me blind...
-Thieflordz5 (16/6/2009)
- Frank Morris leads the RSPCC (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Cubes) because he is telepathically in touch with every cube in the world
-giraffemonkey (18/6/2009)
- Nothing can go faster than the speed of light. Except Frank Morris's fingers.
-qqwref (19/6/2009)
- Frank Morris doesn't need computer cubes, because he can imagine any puzzle, no matter how complicated, in his head. And I'm not just talking about 3-dimensional ones.
-qqwref (19/6/2009)
- Only Frank Morris can slove 7x7 Blind with feet
-tomasz (20/6/2009)
- There is no such thing as God's Algorithm. It's only Frank Morris' Algorithm. God just recieved it in a vision, and he became the middleman.
- Frank Morris can solve the cube so fast because he knows that there IS NO CUBE.
-Kris18 (27/6/2009)
- Frank Morris isn't composed of cells, he's composed of tiny V7's.
-Kris18 (27/6/2009)
- Frank Morris can do a 20x20x20x20 underwater BLD with one toe before you can process any individual word in this sentence.
-SaiyanKirby (27/6/2009)
- The click in every one of Frank Morris's solves is a tiny sonic boom.
-Kris18 (27/6/2009)
- Newton's wrong. There is no equal and opposite reaction to the speed of Frank Morris's fingers during a solve.
-Kris18 (27/6/2009)
- did frank morris survive
-survive (29/6/2009)
- All of Frank Morris' solves are DNS - the timer always reads 0.00 seconds.
- frank morris's blood type is PLL
-Will (29/6/2009)
- Kris18 is wrong. There IS an equal and opposite reaction. A solved cube.
-Thieflordz5 (30/6/2009)
- Frank Morris can de-sticker and re-sticker the complete V-Cube collection (2-11) before you can do the six-move-T.
-JTW2007 (9/7/2009)
- No, JTW2007, it's before you can even finish Hand Scrambling a cube. One move is technically still a scramble, right?
-Thieflordz5 (9/7/2009)
- Frank Morris first discovered the fact that if you play with Rubik's cubes at least twice a day you turn into a douche who can't get a girlfriend.
-Reagan (10/7/2009)
-lteawjiig (20/7/2009)
- Frank Morris can do an 10000000000000000000/10000000000000000000 Multi BLD OF underwater no memo in under 2 seconds
-Richard (21/7/2009)
- His method of solving is forming a holy cross and then finishing off the rest of the cube using God's Algorithm.
-Thomas Ellis (22/7/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve a cube faster thanTakeru Kobayashi can eat a hot dog.
-Logan (22/7/2009)
- Frank Morris doesn't need to lube his cubes, they lube automatically when his cubes sweat with fear
-giraffemonkey (22/7/2009)
- frank morris can take a normal color scheme cube and solve it in to a japanese scheme cube
-xxcurnuxx (26/7/2009)
- When frank Morris does a U2 on a 3x3 Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks somebody in the a face
-Hunter Oldson (26/7/2009)
- ZrwdBOYsgwvDWjHu
-qxmdwgyzqe (28/7/2009)
- xDxTMxInMxm
-zzfmwbtrjw (2/8/2009)
- Frank Morris can build edges on big cubes without turning the slices.
-Thomas (25/8/2009)
- While inspecting the cube Frank Morris can figure out the pll
-Jackson (2/9/2009)
- Frank Morris only needs 2 seconds for inspection to finish a revenge cube speed bf. If you carefully look, he never opens his eyes!
-W (12/9/2009)
- Frank Morris can make a normal 3x3x3 shape shift
-giraffemonkey (21/9/2009)
- Frank Morris can scramble and solve the new V7 Illusion
-giraffemonkey (26/9/2009)
- If you look at Frank Morris's solves, you notice there about a millisecond. This is because he does all 5 solves at once.
-Solborimm (30/9/2009)
- Frank Morris uses full ZB on a 2x2 because he can.
-Andy Bridger (30/9/2009)
- Frank Morris can perform a superflip on a 2x2x2
-Geoffrey Y (4/10/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve the rubiks cube faster than he can start and stop a timer
-Quentin Duane (16/10/2009)
- you may win the battle
- but frank morris always wins the war
- time waits for no man except frank morris
-Hunter Oldson (18/10/2009)
- Frank Morris can take the sun. turn it into a 100000x100000x100000 ball puzzle, and solve it in -2 secounds.
- did he survive
- Frank Morris is so awesome he can solve a rubik's cube in less than 5 seconds
- When Frank Morris solves a cube it actually is just being scrambled.
- Frank Morris is sooo gay that he is a woman
- Frank Morris invented and solved the yottaminx
-SKC (23/11/2009)
- did he survive the escape
- What happend to his mom and dad
-dfbtdrb (19/12/2009)
- Frank Morris is faster than you.
-Owen (25/12/2009)
- Frank Morris can solve 10 Gigaminx Multi-BLD underwater 1 foot, with no inspection.
-SaberSlash49 (26/12/2009)
- Frank Morris is so fast, when his cube pops, it's dangerous.
- Frank morris doesn't get OLL and PLL skips, PLL and OLL skip Frank Morris
-V-te (30/12/2009)
- Frank is as inspired by the the rubik's cube, that he's not solving the cube, the cube is solving him.
-Sebastian Boos (9/1/2010)
- Legend has it that Frank ascended into the sky while doing (R U')x63 and was never seen again
-Feryll (15/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve multi bld 7x7 underwater,with chains,breathing carbon monoxide, with his hand backwards while eating a burrito in a sambraro and cleaning his finger nails, while building a DIY with 1 finger holding a chop stick and compressing a file all in just negative infinity seconds......twice
-saintlavin (17/1/2010)
- Whenever Frank Morris sneezes a cube is solve
-saintlavin (17/1/2010)
- if Frank Morris touches you, you automatically become WinRar
-saintlavin (17/1/2010)
- Frank Morris Owns you and your mama
-saintlavin (17/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a (-3)x(-3)x(-3)
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 11x11x11 looking on a mirror and upside down
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve non-integer dimension cubes, such as 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can think algorithms for any of the 92 Johnson Solids
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a infinite fractal Sierpinski puzzle by using the quantum relativistic effects of his neurons
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 5x5x5x5 ...Yes, in the forth dimension ... by traveling across time
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 5x5x5x5 Tesseract by looking at its 3D projections
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 7x7x7 by looking at its shadow
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve cubes in n dimensions, or even infinite dimensions, such as 3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x....
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve the continuous version of Rubik cubic in which the layers have infinitesimal thickness .... He uses calculus and the Lebesgue measure
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve your Brith Date Cube, mine is 18x5x2010
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- You know you've been cubing too long when... You write about Frank Morris
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can unsolve a cube in oder to write your name in each face of the cube with a different color
-guzman (18/1/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 10x10x10x10x10...
- People solve 5x5s like 3x3s, Frank Morris solves 3x3s like 5x5s
-Fan (23/1/2010)
- A 3x3 doesnt dare pop on him during a solve.
-Jake Bueler (31/1/2010)
- Frank Morris once messed up a C-Perm. Now, there is no C-Perm.
-JTW2007 (4/2/2010)
- Frank Morris solved a cube while escaping from Alcatraz
- Frank Morris' main speedcubes aren't bought, he commanded the perfect cubes into existence.
-giraffemonkey (25/2/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve five faces and the cube can still be unsolved
-Rorschach (27/2/2010)
- Frank Morris doesn't inspect cubes before he solves them, the cubes inspect Frank Morris.
-Keivaun Waugh (20/3/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve the 4x4x4x4 in -10 moves.
-TemurAmir (20/3/2010)
- When Frank Morris's Mother gave birth to him ... he said "Oh, shit, I left my 7x7 inside" ....
-guzman (27/3/2010)
- Frank Morris doesnt fear parity, parity fears Frank Morris.
-Katie (28/3/2010)
- For all of you thinking Frank Morris is not still alive, You got wrong. He is alive
-Anonym (6/4/2010)
- Frank Morris can make an onion cry... and then solve it.
-Kapusta (11/4/2010)
- Frank Morris didn't invent f3l, someone gave him the idea and them frank turned him into a 7x7x7 and solved it.... By only solving the f3l part
-Alex Mertz (30/4/2010)
- Frank Morris can mix up and solve the center caps on a 3x3x3 without touching them...faster than you can solve a 1x1x1
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve a 120x120x120 cube...by only looking at it's shadow
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris owns every single puzzle in existence...and the ones that are yet to be concieved...and he got them before the original Rubiks Cube got even dreamed of
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve every single cube in existance before you can even pick one up...or breathe
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris is right behind you...mixing up all your cubes in impossible-to-reverse parity cases
-Daxafias (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve 3.9.1. ... in less time than it takes to mix it up
-Cueball (4/5/2010)
- When a cube pops on Frank Morris, it's because the plastic holding the peice in melted
-Cueball (4/5/2010)
- When Frank Morris cries, every single puzzle in the world indtantly solves itself. Too bad he doesn't cry.
-Cueball (4/5/2010)
- Frank Morris hates spammers. Whenever a spammer spams, he turns them into a C4U Gigaminx then dropkicks it off a cliff
-I Once Solved A 1x1 (5/5/2010)
- day he was born
- The EG method that is used to solve the 2x2 is actually an inperfect variation Frank Morris's universal method to solve any cube
- Frank Morris can solve cubes, that are even invented yet
-Ai Cubh (2/6/2010)
- Frank Morris doesn't fly kites with his children, he's too busy solving rubiks cubes.
-Caleb Ivey (3/6/2010)
- Your Ugly
-Kesharra Etheridge (4/6/2010)
- Frank Morris makes Erik, Feliks, and Rowe look like your mom.
-kapusta (17/6/2010)
- At night, the Evil Twin checks for Frank Morris on his cube shelf.
-Kapusta (17/6/2010)
- Frank Morris jumps into a pool of silicone, he doesn't get wet, the silicone gets Frank Morrised.
-Anon (30/6/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve any cube blindfolded without even touching it.
-Austin MNV (7/7/2010)
- Frank Morris can solve 5x5 centers as quickly as you can solve 3x3 centers.
-Ravi Fernando (5/8/2010)
- In competition, Frank Morris announces each of his times immediately before preinspection.
-Ravi Fernando (5/8/2010)
- Someone once challenged Frank Morris to a 2x2-7x7 relay. Frank Morris won, although he spent almost nine seconds on the irrationals.
-Ravi Fernando (5/8/2010)
- He walked the water, Tied the wen, Spoke to the trees They bowed like men.
- Frank Morris once solved a seven-coloured Rubik's Cube.
-Cyrus Colah (1/9/2010)
- Frank Morris memorized God's Algorithm..... twice.
-Cyrus (27/9/2010)
- Frank Morris is so classic, he makes Coke Classic look like the New Coke.
-Lucas Garron (21/10/2010)
- Kids wear superman boxers. Superman wears Chuck Norris boxers. Chuck Norris wears Frank Morris boxers.
-Joker (21/10/2010)
- A long time ago, a wise man invented the wheel. Then Frank Morris improved the concept: he invented the cube.
-Pyjam (11/11/2010)
- rank morris looked a a cube and it ess soved
-moat (20/1/2011)
- Frank Morris is ampedextrious. He could do OH solves WITH ALL FOUR HANDS.
-CubingGymnast (27/2/2011)
- He can solve a triple void petaminx blindfolded one-feeted underwater in an airplane crashing while eating a sandwich
-Zhanchi (1/2/2012)
- He can actually solve a 1x1
-Zhanchi (1/2/2012)
- He dosent follow the wca regulations, the wca regulations follows frank morris
-Zhanchi (1/2/2012)
- Frank Morris played super mario bros with the goombas replaced by rubiks 2x2s, koopas replaced by rubiks 3x3s and the bowser is replaced by the evil rubiks 5x5 dun, Dun, DUNNNNNN! Peach is replaced by a Zhanchi
-Zhanchi (21/11/2012)
- Frank Morris can solve an illegal position without taking it apart
-rj (27/3/2013)
- Allstate wasn't in good hands until it switched to Frank Morris
-Noah (9/4/2013)
- Frank Morris solved a Pi x Pi x Pi (not misspelled) cube.
-Pi (9/4/2013)
- Frank Morris solved 0x0 through negative infinity x negative infinity in 0 seconds.
-Noah (25/5/2013)
- Frank Morris can solve puzzles in negative dimensions.
-Noah (25/5/2013)
- Frank Morris solves cubes so fast that we never see them scrambled.
-Noah (25/5/2013)
- Frank Morris updated his algorithm. Now it includes how to unsolve.
-Noah (25/5/2013)
- No one has every actually solved a cube before except for Frank Morris.
-Noah (25/5/2013)
- One time they changed it so the timer counted down. Frank Morris had to solve it in 0.01 seconds. After he solved it, the timer said 0.02 seconds.
-Noah (26/5/2013)
- When Frank Morris is really speedcubing, the only time the timer doesn't say 0.00 is the infinity x infinity. He had trouble finded where it ended.
-Noah (26/5/2013)
- If you were to go faster than Frank Morris's fingers, scrambled cubes appear everywhere and then all the cubes in existence are solved. But that will never happen because nothing is faster.
-Noah (26/5/2013)
- Frank Morris doesn't need to solve the time machine to travel through time.
-Harm (15/7/2013)
- Frank Morris's cube can be solved and scrambled at the same time.
-Harm (16/7/2013)
- Sorry. Frank Morris can't do everything. He hasn't been cubing too long.
-Harm (16/7/2013)
- Frankly, Frank Morris is king!
-rj (30/8/2013)